Military Abbreviations
Most commonly used acronyms in the Air Force and few of those used in our Air Force MOMS BMT Facebook group
(This list is by no means complete)
AAFES =Army and Air Force Exchange Service
AB = Airman Basic (This is also what they are referred to while in Basic)
ABU = Airman Battle Uniform
A1C = Airman 1st Class
ADSC = Active Duty Service Commitment
AEF = Air and Space Expeditionary Force
AETC = Air Education and Training Command
AF = Air Force
AF & SF Family Support = Air Force & Space Force Support
AFB = Air Force Base
AFSC = Air Force Specialty Code
Airman = Airman is the title given to all men & women in the Air Force regardless of rank
Amn = Airman
*Angel = (This is what we call our members in our Facebook group)
ASD = Assignment Selection Date
ASVAB = Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. This test will help determine job placement.
Banners = Are
signs that are either bought
or made to hold up during
the Airman's Run on Thursday (BMT)
***They are also used to
Welcome our Airmen home from
deployment or if they are
coming home on leave.
BAH = Basic Allowance for Housing
- *BAM = Best Angel Motivator (this is our term for those that help one another in our Facebook group)
Base Passes = One
must have a Military I.D. or
DoD (Department of Defense)
card to enter a military
** BMT - The recruiter should
have given your son/daughter
a VARL (Visitor Access
Request Letter) to complete
and submit. If not, this can
still be submitted by WOT 3.
If WOT 3 has come & gone
and/or you have not received
the passes ( between WOT 3
and 6) you can will have to
wait until after the coin
ceremony to allow the new
Airman to meet the party at
the gate to sign them in.
Base Liberty = Earned Privilege granted by MTIs to visit on-base facilities and enjoy free time away from training. This usually Thurs and Sun. Unless Town Liberty is earned
Battlefield Airmen = Provide worldwide forward presence, engagement, information operations, precision strike and rescue operations. Battlefield Airmen are the special operations force of the Air Force. They include Combat Controllers (CCT), Pararescumen (PJ), Tactical Air Control Party members (TACP) and Special Operations Weather Technicians (SOWT). Though the careers are very different, they all begin with the Battlefield Airmen indoctrination course. Your physical and mental limits will be pushed and then pushed some more. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, you'll run everywhere you go, you'll spend hours doing laps in a pool and more calisthenics than ever before. The purpose is to show you you're capable of more than you think, and that if you desire to succeed, you will. The training is demanding but necessary to ensure those that survive the first few weeks have a better shot of making it through to the end.
BCG = Term given to the glass that are/where deemed to be so ugly they called them Birth Control Glasses. They're not so bad now ;) but the term is still used. ( BMT)
PACER FORGE =Primary Agile Combat Employment Range, Forward Operations Readiness Generation Exercise held during WOT 6, the trainees are tested on their knowledge of what they have learned up to this point and use it. ( BMT)
Bed Aligners = Will make sure that the beds are lined up in a perfectly & proper row. ( BMT)
BMT = Basic Military Training
BMT TRC = Basic Military Training Reception Center
Boot = A term given to a new Airman just out of BMT 'Boot Camp' or Tech School.
BTZ = Below the zone (BTZ) is a competitive early promotion program offered to enlisted U.S. Air Force personnel in the grade of Airman First Class/E-3. This is an opportunity for consideration of early promotion to Senior Airman six months prior to their expected time
BX = Base Exchange (Only those with a Military or DoD are allowed to purchase items)
CAC = Common Access Card (Military ID)
CATM = Combat Arms Training and Maintenance
CBRNE = Chamber Training [Gas Chamber] Chemical, Biological, Nuclear Defense Training
CC = Company Commander
CDCs = Career Development Courses; computer or paper-based volumes of information that further the training you learn in technical training school. CDCs are completed with an examination, which you must successfully pass. CDCs are required to hit your 5-skill level, with an additional set required for your 7-skill level
CLAW = Creating Leaders Airmen and Warriors (CLAW)
COC = Chain Of Command
Continental United States
OCONUS = Outside
Continental Untied States
Deployment = Deployment is not always or only combat operations. Deployed in support of an operation. So airman can be deployed for humanitarian operations like Ebola support to Africa or nuclear deterrent operations in Korea
D-FAS =Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DoD = Department
of Defense
Dorm Nicknames:
Bat House = Named because some bats found their way into the dorm. ( BMT Dorm)
Fire House = Named because some Tech School students were breaking rules and started a small fire while smoking cigarettes. (Tech School Dorm)
Jail House = Named because it use to be base jail. (Tech School Dorm)
EC = Entry Control
EOC = The End of Course (EOC) test is the final written evaluation of all of your education and training.
FDS = First Duty Station
FEST = Field Expeditionary Skills Training. Security/tactical stuff that is meant to prepare them for what they will be doing in PACER FORGE. ( BMT)
FLT = Flight, a
group of Airmen that are in
training together,
consisting of approximately
45-60 Trainees. ( BMT)
Or a group of
Airmen that work together at
a base in the same job.
(Post BMT)
Green Dot = The "Green Dot" you see on Facebook showing that someone is currently on line.
Grilled cheese & Jesus = On Sundays many Trainees eat grilled cheese for lunch and attend church services. ( BMT)
HUA = HUA means:
- "Heard, understood, and acknowledged"
- What to say when at a loss for words
- "Good copy"
- "Roger,"
- "solid copy,"
- "good,"
- "great,"
- "message received,"
- "understood,"
- "acknowledged"
- "Glad to meet you,"
- "welcome"
- "All right!"
- "Thank you"
- "Eh?"
- "You've taken the correct action"
- "You're wrong, but you outrank me."
- "Outstanding!"
- "That's cool" or "that's OK." As in, "That's hooah." To motivate another soldier. Did not hear what was said, but not going to ask to repeat.
- Anything and everything except "no."
Hooah can also be used as a call and response cheer, with one soldier exclaiming, "hooah!," and other soldiers responding in like. Be uttered at random and in a group in order to boost morale. One or a few soldiers will begin chanting "hooah!," and then others join in. Be used as a sarcastic remark for something specific to the Army. Sometimes used sarcastically. As in, "This detail is about as hoo-ah as it gets." It can be used to describe a highly motivated individual. As in, "Greenfield has been extremely Hoo-ah lately." It can be used to assert one's identity as a member of the Army (particularly in the midst of personnel from sister services) source: Wikipedia
HUA = Air Force
HOOAH = Army
OORAH = Marine
IBD = Integrated Base Defense
Jody (Jodie) Calls = Explained by Tricia: The songs get the name jody call or jody (also, jodie) from a recurring character, a civilian named "Jody" whose luxurious lifestyle is contrasted with military deprivations in a number of traditional calls. Jody is the person who stays at home, drives the soldier's car, and gets the soldier's sweetheart while the soldier is in recruit training or in country...Obscene, scatological, and offensively violent jody calls exist; their official use in formal training is now discouraged by the U.S. military, with an emphasis on "clean" versions of traditional jodies. The flexibility of jodies is nearly unlimited, and old jodies have always been retired or rewritten as times and wars change. Jody calls are a subset of work songs, and share in their rhythmic properties. Most jody calls have a call and response structure; one soldier initiates a line, and the remaining soldiers complete it...
Latrine Team = The 'Team' that cleans the bathrooms. Their 'Leader' is the Latrine Queen. ( BMT)
LES = Leave and Earnings Statement
MEPS = Military Entrance Processing Station
MRE = Meal Read to Eat
MTI = Military Training Instructor
MTL = Military Training Leader
NPS = Non Prior Service
OCP = Operational Camouflage Pattern
OPSEC = Operations Security (Keeping the military safe)
PERSEC = Personal Security System (keeping ourselves safe)
PCS = Permanent Change of Station. A PCS is when a service member leaves their current base and moves to a new one. This new base could be overseas or stateside and IS NOT A DEPLOYMENT, although in some cases, one my receive family separation pay depending on the location. Not all bases allow for family to follow.
PDD = Projected Departure Date
PSC = Postal Service Center. Only time this is not needed is during BMT.
RAP = Recruiter Assistance Program
RNLT = Report Not Later Than date
RTT = Return To Training
Recycle = To be sent back to an early week of training due to disciplinary reasons or failure to pass. (see note below) ( BMT)
Retreat = Signals the end of the official duty day, and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the U.S. flag.
Reveille = A musical signal for the start of the duty day.
SAPR Program = Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
SQ = Squadron (unit) that your Airman is assigned to.
TAP OUT (Tapping Out) = releasing your Airman from formation. At the conclusion of the Coin Ceremony & Graduation, the Airmen are standing in formation and are not allowed to leave until such time that they are tapped out. This is a gentle touch, hug, hand shake from another person usually a loved one. ( BMT)
TEMPER =Tent Extendable Modular PERsonnel
TDL = TACTICAL DEPLOYMENT LEADER - Four trainees are selected to be TDLs, which are the Element Leaders of PACER FORGE. They assist the PACER FORGE Monitors. ( BMT)
TDY =Temporary Duty A "TDY" is a temporary assignment, usually to attend a school, conference, temporarily help a unit which is undermanned, or participate in an exercise... Not in support of an operation... Airman receive additional and incentive pay while deployed such as IDP, Family Separation, Hazardous Duty, and their money is TAX Free.
Town Pass = opportunity for the Airman to go into town
Trainee = A person that is in Basic Military Training ( BMT)
TRAINEE = This and AB is what they are referred to while in Basic ( BMT)
TRS/FLT = Training Squadron/Flight ( BMT)
UCMJ =Uniform Code of Military Justice
Visitor's Center = Where you would go if you need any assistance with your base pass. The Visitor's center at JBSA Lackland is located just prior to the Luke East Gate. Hours of operation are 24/7.
VARL =Visitor Access Request Letter
WOT = Week Of Training. Each Sunday will start a new WOT. ( BMT)
WG = Week Group : As explained by BMT:
You will notice the reference to week groups; for example WG 12012. Here is how to break it down.
WG = Week Group
15 = the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 (1 October through September 30)
033 = the 12th week
of the Fiscal year
This is my explanation,
picture a calendar that has
each week assigned a number
in sequential order. Got it?
Now, the Military as a whole
starts their fiscal year Oct
1. So the week of Oct 1 is
Week One = 15001. Each week
a new group arrives and the
week number changes Up. If
your AB arrived between Dec
16-20 this is the "12th"
week of the year. So the
coordinating numbers for
your AB are 15 = 2015, the
year. The 0 = doesn't stand
for anything other than a
space. The 12 = the week of
the year that he/those
arrived Hence: 15012
Now, remember each week the
number goes up. (LgS)
Wingman = your trainee or Airman's best friend, or assigned helper/escort when needed to assist you should you become ill or injured. A Wingman is not only at BMT, they can become a life long friend. Traditionally is a role that a person may take when a friend needs support with approaching potential partners. A wingman is someone who is on the "inside" and is used to help someone with intimate relationships. In general, a woman's wingman will help her avoid attention from undesirable prospective partners, whereas a man's wingman will help him attract desirable ones. A term used for friendship between one airman and another.
341 = You'll
learn all about the AETC
Form 341 in Air Force Basic
Military Training. This is
the primary method the Air
Education and Training
Command uses to document
discrepancies and excellence
for non-prior service
recruits in both basic
training and Air Force
Technical Schools.
At the top of the form are
places for the recruit to
enter his/her name, rank,
and their squadron/flight
information. Recruits in
basic training and non-prior
service airmen in technical
schools must carry two
completed copies of this
form with them at all times.
If a staff member (Basic
Training MTI, Military
Training Leader, instructor,
Airman leader, etc.)
observes a discrepancy or
observers you doing
something extremely
excellent, they can "pull" a
341 from you. Then they
complete the bottom of the
form, documenting what they
observed and returns the
form to your squadron for
further action (disciplinary
action, chewing out,
pat-on-the-back, or whatever
your chain of command
determines is appropriate).
Recycle = You may think that failing basic training is the biggest threat, but you would be wrong. Only 8.2 percent of recruits fail to make it through Air Force Basic Military Training (AF BMT). Most of these are not due to reasons of failing any aspect of basic. The vast majority are due to medical reasons (pre-existing medical conditions that the recruit and Air Force didn't know about), fraudulent information on enlistment documents, or failing the arrival urinalysis.
The biggest threat used by MTIs is recycling. Recycling means sending you back to an earlier part of basic training, so you have to repeat that period all over again.
MTIs will make you think that they can recycle you for any reason -- they don't like the way you look, they don't like the way your Mama or Daddy look, or they don't like your breath. In actuality, MTIs don't have the authority, on their own to recycle you. That's up to the commanding officer, and the commanding officer is limited by basic training regulations as to when he can and cannot recycle a recruit. Recycling costs the Air Force money, because you are in training longer, and the Air Force works on a budget.
This does not mean that you shouldn't take the recycling threat seriously. When making the decision as to whether or not to recycle a recruit, the commander relies heavily on the recommendations of your MTI. About 15 to 20 percent of recruits in AF BMT get recycled at one point or another.
Recycling isn't just used for disciplinary reasons. It's also used for recruits who fail a pass/fail requirement of basic. For example, if you fail to qualify with the M-16 rifle on the firing range, you will get recycled. If you fail the final PT test, you will be recycled.
You could also be recycled for medical reasons. If you miss more than two or three days of training because of a medical condition, you will likely be recycled to make up for that training. For example, if you are hospitalized during week #3 of training, when the medical folks let you out, and certify you as fit for duty, you would likely be recycled to a different flight who is just entering week #3 of training.
Sources: compiled from Wikipedia, USAF BMT, USAF Basic Training and by Lorraine Silva & Nancy M. Dickinson
- Military Alphabet & Numbers
A: Alpha
B: Bravo
C: Charlie
D: Delta
E: Echo
F: Foxtrot
G: Golf
H: Hotel
I: India
J: Juliet
K: Kilo
L: Lima
M: Mike
N: November
O: Oscar
P: Papa
Q: Quebec
R: Romeo
S: Sierra
T: Tango
U: Uniform
V: Victor
W: Whiskey
X: X-Ray
Y: Yankee
Z: Zulu
1: Wun
2: Too
3: Tree
4: Fower
5: Fife
6: Siks
7: Seven
8: Ait
9: Niner
0: Zeero