is My pledge to you
By Lorraine Silva
This is my pledge to you
I am a military mom.
I am your sister.
I am your friend.
I rejoice in your joy, I will feel your
sorrow and your pain.
I will lift you up in prayer.
I will stand steady as you lean on me. ...
I will hold you up. I will pick you up if
need be.
I will sit on the floor and laugh with you
and dry your tears as you cry.
If I'm not able too, for what ever reason,
have no fear; for another sister will step
and take my place without ever needing to
be asked.
I know this with certainty.
I know this to be true.
For only another military mom, dad, a
military sister, brother,
a military friend can understand what we are
going thru.
This is my pledge to you, I will not falter,
I will not fail!
LorraineGSilva © All Rights
©AirForceMOMSBMT for personal use only
not to be used in part or whole for or by
any other group without explicit written
consent from Lorraine Silva. |